Purchase a Catalogue
Current exhibition catalogue (available starting June 2024)
2024 Delights Catalogue: $12.00
Available Catalogues are:
2021 'Crossroads' - $2.00
2019 'Still' - $2.00
2017 'Oh Canada' - $2.00
2015 'Connections' - $2.00
2013 - sold out
2011 'Balancing Act' - $2.00
2010 - sold out
2009 - sold out
2008 - sold out
2007 'Fantasy' - $2.00
2006 'Wildlife' - $2.00
2005 'Airbourne' - $2.00
2004 'Constructions of Canada' - $2.00
2003 'Reflections of Canada' - $2.00
Shipping Charges: $3.75 for the first catalogue and $1.50 for each additional catalogue ordered.
Please complete the form below to purchase a catalogue.
Shipping Charges: $3.75 for the first catalogue and $1.50 for each additional catalogue ordered.
(example: Order one Delights catalogue @ $12 and one 'Still' catalogue @ $2. Shipping would be $3.75 + $1.50. Total for order would be $19.25)
Purchase by e-transfer to: treasurer.gn@gmail.com
or by cheque made payable to Grand National Exhibition Assn. and mailed to:
Thelma Newbury, Treasurer,
#16 - 17917 68th Ave., Surrey, BC V3S 9C8.